Children's Ministry

Our prayer is that in partnering with families, children will become more aware of God’s activity in their life, use the gifts the Spirit has give them to love God & their neighbors, & that they’d become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


We are welcoming to kids of all ages & abilities! Our students have become a family -- and there is always room at the Table for more! During worship one Sunday, the kids worked together to dream of what kind of family we wanted to be:


Mindful - Respectful - Kind - Giving - Present - Concerned for others - Safe place - Open - Passionate- Like Christ - Trustworthy - Friends - Fun - Close - Sharing - Comforting - Joyful - Helpful - Curious - Forgiving - Loving - Humble


We value our volunteers & can only support our students with many hands! Do you want to share your talents & love by volunteering with us? 

Contact Mrs. Sarah Gatton & she’ll be very excited to plug you in!

Children's church, nursery, Sunday school

8:30 & 11 AM Service

Children’s worship (K-6th

- Children begin & end service with their families in the sanctuary.

 - Nursery is available and fully staffed during both services.

VBS 2024 : Start the Party

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers and kiddos that made our 2024 VBS a party! Check out our VBS recap video below and don't forget to CELEBRATE THE GOOD NEWS!